Supporting Your Pet Loss
Compassionate Support For Grieving Pet Lovers

Peace After Pet Loss
Losing a companion animal is one of the hardest experiences you will face.
Your shared bond was likely one of unconditional love, loyalty, and trust.
Because the bond with your pet was special, navigating through your grief should be too.

"Sometimes the smallest things take up
the most room in your heart."
- Winnie the Pooh
Losing a Pet is Losing a Part of Your Heart
- Your feelings are valid. You don't have to face them alone.
- Your grief deserves compassionate support.
- You will be met and accepted wherever you are without judgment.
- Receive personalized guidance from a grief- and trauma-informed coach.
- Use selected Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) with Coach Pam.
- Focusing on just one specific moment in time.
- EFT promotes physical calmness and lowers emotional intensity.
- EFT offers you life-long tools to manage your challenging emotions.
- Restore your sense of hope and peace at your own pace.
- Reconnect with daily life while keeping cherished memories alive in your heart.
- Create meaningful ways to celebrate your pet's legacy.
When to Consider Clinical EFT for Pet Loss
- Your pet receives a life-changing diagnosis from the veterinarian.
- Illness or injury with uncertain outcome or reduced quality of life.
- Decline in your senior pet's functioning with no treatable condition.
- Euthanasia.
- Sudden, unexpected death.
- Death from natural causes.
- Loss of your service or therapy animal.
- Your pet is lost or missing.
- Relinquishing or rehoming.
- Forced separation due to divorce, deployment, moving, and more.
Pet EFT & Surrogate Tapping
- Nurture emotional and physical well-being, plus deepen your bond.
- Learn more about pet EFT and acting as a surrogate for your pet.
"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose;
all that we have loved deeply,
becomes a part of us." - Helen Keller
Meet Coach Pam
Pamela L Schroeder
"Confirmed Pet Lover"
Board-Certified Wellness Coach
Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner
Certified Grief Informed Professional
Certified Clinical Aromatherapist
Virtual Coaching Internationally

Peace After Pet Loss
Honoring Your Bond
Cherishing Memories
"I lost a cat that I loved dearly. Pam really helped me to work thru some of my grief so that I am not as sad every time I think of him; every time something else comes up and he's not here. Pam is very gentle and she was very helpful." Carla E.
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